Thoughts on Designing Gamma Audiovisual Entrainment Experiment

I’ve tried all three of the gamma audiovisual entrainment (AVE) sessions on Mind Alive’s DAVID Delight Pro device and have enough information to start developing an hypothesis and methodology. I began this experiment because COVID-19 pandemic disrupted my weekly or three-times-a-month gamma brainwave biofeedback sessions at the ADD Centre. It soon became apparent that in…

Third SMR/Gamma Mind Alive Session

This morning, my body entered deep relaxation for a few minutes during my usual SMR/Beta audiovisual entrainment session. That normally doesn’t happen. Huh. Does this change support my theory of gamma brainwaves I posited in my book Concussion Is Brain Injury: Treating the Neurons and Me? My brain is settling down into this new audiovisual…