Updating My Writing Steps

Updating my writing steps: Getting back into fiction writing means reminding myself how I got from idea to finish manuscript.


Decisions require emotions, so writes Lisa Cron in Story Genius. Maybe that’s why for years my decision-making skill vanished. It returned bit by bit. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, I asked fewer and fewer people for advice. Yeah, I had fewer to ask, but I also told myself not to ask every single person I knew but…

My 24th Car Crash-Brain Injury Anniversary

I cannot comprehend that I have lived longer as an adult with brain injury than I did without one. My new life with catastrophic brain injury began on this day almost a quarter century ago.

Left Neglected: A Book Review

Left Neglected is a novel about an intelligent, driven, Type A woman, Sarah Nickerson, who crashes her car and injures her brain due to driver distraction. My review from a brain injury perspective.

Birthday Gift to Myself

Birthdays aren’t usually a topic on my blog, but this year, the sun is out, the sky is blue, my life has been upended for over a year, and I’m musing over this ⤵️ What’s the coolest thing you’ve ever found (and kept)? My reading. Yeah, I know “found (and kept)” denotes an object. But…

Desired Change?

The Reader completes the Book, Leaves a review. The next Reader picks up the Book, Completes it, too...

Big desire. Impossible ambition. Through blogs, books, and websites. What change, big or small, would you like your blog to make in the world? Change the system of diagnosis and treatment of brain injury from symptom based to objective tests and effective, permanent non-drug, non-surgical treatments. Change standard medical education to recognize concussion, long COVID,…

Health First

My guiding principle in brain injury recovery, heck life, is health above everything else. Without health, especially without treating the neurons, it’s virtually impossible to work, socialize, enjoy things. What strategies do you use to maintain your health and well-being? Following my principle of health first and setting myself up for success, I didn’t try…