
Decisions require emotions, so writes Lisa Cron in Story Genius. Maybe that’s why for years my decision-making skill vanished. It returned bit by bit. Slowly, almost imperceptibly, I asked fewer and fewer people for advice. Yeah, I had fewer to ask, but I also told myself not to ask every single person I knew but…

Screen Time Is Me Time

But is it? Isn’t screen time more like social time? How do you manage screen time for yourself? I don’t have timers or use apps that block surfing or social media. I have a routine instead. Way way back, I used to take one day off from all things digital and computer because my “addiction”…

Life Before the Internet

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Do you remember life before the internet? I do remember life before the internet, but I was an early adopter, so that was a loooong time ago. I used my father’s University of Toronto email account to email an American friend until came on the scene. Then someone, I forget who, got in touch…

Branding Time

Author brand. Branding campaign. Get your brand, catch customers. My head swims with marketing gurus rapidly sharing their tips to all of us selling SFA. Buzzwords and trendy nothings. But one idea I thought would be kind of fun to do is to create a character to go with my logo. A character that could…

New Website Feature!

Working Towards A Concussion Website When I wrote Concussion Is Brain Injury back in 2012, I reserved domains to create a website dedicated to pulling together all the information on concussion, using my book as a springboard. Due to the usual problems associated with brain injury, I failed in doing so, though I did try…