Reading Reward Among Brain Injury Ruins

Published Categorised as Personal, Internet and Computers, Brain Power, Treatment
Kobo Libra H2O with Love Among the Ruins Cover on screen

Last year after completing 81 hours of intensive reading-comprehension re-learning via Lindamood-Bell’s visualizing and verbalizing program, I promised myself the reward of an e-reader if I finished The Lions of Al-Rassan.

I’d begun reading that big book during the application weeks of the visualizing and verbalizing program, but I had to finish it on my own. After only two weeks of reading it under the guidance of their instructors, Lindamood-Bell Australia launched me into the final phase of restoring my reading after brain injury had ruined it 18 years earlier: practice.


And ugh!

Yeah, practice is the adult version of elementary school homework. But unlike when I was a kid who Pac-Manned through reading materials from books to cereal boxes, I found practice difficult. Hence the reward.

But I didn’t reward myself.

My parents did for Christmas today.

Ramryge angels at Gloucester Cathedral, England

Brain injury grief is

extraordinary grief

research proves

needs healing.

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Great way to celebrate 7 books read!