Leaving Twitter and Facebook

I’ve been putting off this moment — leaving Twitter and Facebook — but it’s time to say bye to Twitter and Facebook. I’m not deactivating my accounts, but I’ve become so uncomfortable posting even article links that I can’t anymore, tho I’m missing my peeps very much. I’ve been on Tw since 2008, FB 2007.

Universe Hates Me Chronicles

Twitter is Xed. My hot water tank that gushed water was replaced by a Giant-manufacturer-dented tank that the customer service supervisor doesn’t want to replace with an undamaged one since transport companies have a habit of bunging up a tank en route from factory to Toronto and so they can’t get me the energy efficient…

Joined Bluesky!

At 9:28AM, I downloaded the Bluesky app, entered the invite code my Tweep Karen Walton (Canadian screenwriter) had just sent me via Twitter DM, and joined Bluesky! I’d entered my email last Fall on their waiting list, then realizing I wasn’t going to get an invite code anytime soon, last week I launched a Substack…

Ground Hog Day?

BrainGirlAndCat does video blogging. She used to be on Twitter, and I came to know her through BIST, I think. The Brain Injury Society of Toronto recently tweeted out her latest video. BIST (@BrainInjuryTO) 2019-07-08, 9:45 AM “Every day is like Ground Hog Day,” From her home in Ireland, Brain Girl shares the story about…