Learning Is Forever

Describe a decision you made in the past that helped you learn or grow. As I read this prompt, I immediately thought of the day I decided to call the ADD Centre and said “yes” to attending there for their expensive assessment and treatment program. Their program was outside any kind of medicine that I…

My Life’s Opening Sentence

You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? I read mysteries. I live one, too. Brain injury is like a mystery. A grey and white thing hidden inside a roundish bony thing, the brain does its thing, running us and our bodies mysteriously until it is injured. None can see the damage. Not with their…

CTE: Mysterious Syndrome or Untreated Brain Injury?

This entry is part 5 of 3 in the series Psychology Today - Concussion Types

Instead of studying CTE as a mystery syndrome divorced from untreated brain injury, let’s challenge assumptions that seeming recovery from concussion is real recovery. The brain is the final frontier. Although much scientific research has been done toward trying to understand it, research funds haven’t kept up with basic research needs, and we have only…

Time for Another Book

April means Camp NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month). This year, I’m trying it again because a self-help book for people with brain injury sprouted in my brain and demanded being written. I obeyed. I set my Camp goal as 25,000 words. I don’t usually manage to last the month, and I thought halving the November…

New Website Feature!

Working Towards A Concussion Website When I wrote Concussion Is Brain Injury back in 2012, I reserved domains to create a website dedicated to pulling together all the information on concussion, using my book as a springboard. Due to the usual problems associated with brain injury, I failed in doing so, though I did try…