MailPoet vs. Feedblitz

MailPoet is easier to design with and integrated in my website, but Feedblitz seems to work better at getting the posts update newsletter out and on time. I think, too, more subscribers see and engage with the ones Feedblitz sends out. I’ve returned to the Tuesday early-morning time for the posts newsletter. Let’s see if…

Storygarden Summit

I signed up for the Storygarden Summit on a whim. I’d enjoyed Plottr’s writing craft book club on Story Genius so much I wanted to keep inside the writing sphere. I’m so glad I signed up! I haven’t worked on my novels or books for over a year. Too many other things going on, and…

Psychology Today Post for January: Anniversary View of Fictional Brain Injury

Personal Perspective: Recovery is more than restoring neurons. Pre-existing insults to the brain and social support matter too. Intelligence Alone Doesn’t Mean You’ll Question Out-of-Date Knowledge A doctor once told me I’m doing better than 90 percent of those with brain injury. Even so, after 24 years, I’ve still not fully recovered. Sarah [in the…

So Many Things…

What’s something most people don’t understand? My post titles’ SEO these days are shit. I’m not following best practices for the Google crawler to find my posts and treat them preferentially in search results. Well, except for my last one — I used “top ten,” which is good for SEO. That’s why you see so…

Branding Time

Author brand. Branding campaign. Get your brand, catch customers. My head swims with marketing gurus rapidly sharing their tips to all of us selling SFA. Buzzwords and trendy nothings. But one idea I thought would be kind of fun to do is to create a character to go with my logo. A character that could…