My Tagline?

If humans had taglines, what would yours be? Getting to know me, would be my tagline, I think. For myself to get to know myself, and others who knew me before brain injury and those only after to know the real me. Brain injury changed me drastically. For the non-ostriches, the changes rocked them. As…

A Book to Read Again and Again

"What an amazing journey into the future." Ana, a reader on Goodreads

What book could you read over and over again? Before my brain injury, after I became an adult, I didn’t reread books, for, you see, the moment I began reading the first paragraph or, at most, the first page, the entire book came back into my head. No fun to reread. A new adventure, a…

One Word? Only One?!

What is one word that describes you? One word to describe me? That’s a toughie. How can you use one word to describe a person, after brain injury, which makes your future unrecognizable and changes you and changes you again and again and again? Does the core you vanish under the onslaught of damage? Or…

My Life’s Opening Sentence

You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? I read mysteries. I live one, too. Brain injury is like a mystery. A grey and white thing hidden inside a roundish bony thing, the brain does its thing, running us and our bodies mysteriously until it is injured. None can see the damage. Not with their…