Regenerate the retina? Is that possible? I read a long time ago a paper that talked about using light to do that with rat eyeballs. And my own vision change didn’t happen just because of the brain injury. Vision is eyeballs + brain. How do you tease apart what increase in my vision is from…
Tag: Vision
Eye Exam Time 2019
Three and a half years since my eye surgery and for the first time I had a fairly routine eye exam this week. Everything is stable. Even better, my reduced sensitivity to light is because things are improving not because I’m developing cataracts. Phew. And wow. I’d noticed after the surgery that my scarred eye…
Accessibility at the Opera
A friend and former vision mate worked with the choreographer to rehearse the dancers in the Canadian Opera Company’s production of Dvořák’s opera Rusalka and offered me two seats for the dress rehearsal. One tiny problem, well, two. I had no one to go with to help me to my seat. And once I found…
Eyes Sharpening
It’s a gusty day, clouds billowing up on each other, stretching apart to reveal dark patches of blue sky and let the sunlight through. Once again this week, I’m standing on the sidewalk, against the wind, staring down down down the street, all the way to the third traffic light in the distance. Red red…
Vision Update: Seeing Farther
Brief vision update here. I don’t want to jinx it, but for the last couple of weeks, my far-distance and panoramic vision seem to have stabilized. Does this mean my brain has stopped trying to shut down the firehose of new visual information that the surgery turned on? Does this mean it has ceded the…
Going to the CNIB, Talking Vision and Brain Injury
When the Executive Director (ED) of BIST invited me to attend a meeting with the CNIB, I said yes. But I had no idea what I was saying yes to, other than getting to talk about vision and brain injury. I also didn’t really pay attention to how many people I’d be talking to. So…
Adventures in Brain Injury: Training Vision in the Winter Light
Winter light is not the same as summer sunlight. You’d think after practicing walking — seeing, perceiving with both eyes and feet together, learning where I am in space — during strong and long summer sunlight hours, I’d have no trouble in the winter. Nope. It isn’t just the snow. The sunlight is sharp, throwing…
Week Two Enhance Gamma and Inhibit Beta to Heal Injury
Week two of new double protocol. First comes gamma then comes, uh, goes beta. I came in to week two with emotional stress, grief touched off by neurodoc. Because he’s got nothing better to do than sodden my fibres with emotional stress exhaustion. Anywho. The coming change of seasons will be affecting me soon too,…
Fording Union Station for TTC Presto Card
I haven’t updated on the recovery-from-eye-surgery front in awhile. Here’s one. The first week of May, I had to go to the GO area in Union Station to buy a Presto card for the TTC. Why? Because the TTC in its disability-and-poverty-and-non-online-people hating wisdom, haven’t installed machines that take cash. At their in-station Gateways, you…