
Reviews for Concussion Is Brain Injury

“very good book good reading”

John Albarado, Reader, gives Concussion Is Brain Injury 4 stars on Goodreads

“Even though I worked with children who had brain injuries I found myself failing to understand some of shrieen’s frustrations and struggles and that is why I jumped at the chance to read her book. The book is a must read for ANY PROFESSIONAL who works for adults or children with brain injuries. It gives you the prospective of how frustrating our system can be and the lack of hope most professional give to people with brain injuries.”

Nancy Howson, Reader and Friend, on Facebook

Review of Concusion by Nancy Howson on Facebook 29 Jan 2013

Reviews for She

“Put simply this is the best urban fantasy story that I have ever read period. From word one I was hooked into this tale, possessed by it if you will.”

Shane Porteous, Writer, gives She 5 stars on Smashwords


“I finished [SHE] and enjoyed it enormously. I found it really gripping from the start, and I was fascinated by the detail. It seemed to me that I was reading about me.”

Margaret Louis, Reader

“A must for fantasy lovers…. Shireen has written a book packed full of emotion and really gets over to you the struggle that this girl is facing without the support and love of her friends around her, and boy what a struggle she has. It’s a strong story that flows really well. Loved the Grandmother character and the cat Smokey was adorable!

Thank you Shireen for sending me a copy of this book and I am really glad I did read it.”

Louise Graham, Reviewer, 3-star Review

“An unusual and interesting read.  Suspenseful right to the last page.”

Pam Field, Reader

Reviews for Lifeliner

“Jeejeebhoy’s style of writing sets the right pace as we follow Judy’s medical difficulties…. It is truly a fascinating and eye-opening story which was well written…. What I found especially entertaining was the nicknames Judy came up with for her devoted doctor — Dr. Cowboy and Dr. JeeJee which she later shortened to Dr. Jeej. A very ill woman indeed but her sense of humor shines out throughout her ordeal…. If you want a book you can’t put down, get Lifeliner into your hands, you’re in for a wild ride with one awesome woman and the genius of a devoted doctor.”

Gloria Oren, Writer and Editor, gives Lifeliner 5 stars on

“When (Judy) was drugged up, she’s going, ‘I can’t die cause there’s no way that Cliff can raise those three girls by himself. He can’t do it. I have to live.’ They’ve said if it hadn’t been for her will, you know, they couldn’t have done it by themselves. If she hadn’t wanted to live as much as she wanted to, then nothing they could have done could have saved her.”

Cynthia Taylor, Eldest Daughter (deceased),
on Judy’s first days at Toronto General Hospital in 1970/71

“Shireen Jeejeebhoy has written an extraordinary account of Judy Taylor and her fight for life starting in the 1970’s when medical science was not as it is today….Ms. Jeejeebhoy’s ability to write on such a tough subject amazed me, she was able to show compassion for the patient and family while at the same time provide credit to all the medical personnel that went above and beyond to help this patient.”

Carol Hoyer, Ph.D. Family Psychology, from 4-star Review

“A compelling story….Reading it will make you laugh, smile, cringe, cry and most importantly, think. If you want inspiration, Lifeliner has no shortage packed into its pages.”

Diana Rohini LaVigne, Online Editor
Indian Life & Style Magazine and India-West,
the South Asian Journalists Association Bay Area Chapter Coordinator,
from 4-star Review on also on

“It was through the pioneering work of doctors and researchers such as Dr Jeejeebhoy and the undertaking of the endeavour to actually save this young woman from death that inspired other clinicians and health care providers to further develop the important field of clinical nutrition….While this reading [the book Lifeliner] is highly recommended as an inspiration, today it may be equally important that each and every one of us involved in caring for our fellow men and women to make that little extra effort and remind ourselves to make feeding the ones under our care the highlight of the day that it must remain.”

Olle Ljungqvist, MD, PhD (see his other review below) and
Claude Pichard, MD, PhD, Head, Clinical Nutrition, Geneva University Hospital
from Editorial, “Inspired by the pioneers: The lesson of the Judy Taylor story”
Clinical Nutrition (2008) 27, 319-320

“Clearly written, with parts in which the author was personally involved (as a child) in the first person to great effect, this is a fascinating insight into how determination can make things possible, and a shout of encouragement to doctors who _dare_ to try.”

Andrew Fogg, Reader, from 4-star Review

“Shireen’s pen has all the force of a great storyteller and the artistic skills of reviving a past scene in its most original form. She shows us the situation, taking us to the time and place of the event without throwing in a single unnecessary word.”

Ernest Dempsey, Reviewer, Author of The Biting Age and Islands of Illusion

“Having been a pharmacy technician, in my younger days, at two hospitals on both coasts, I really appreciated learning the history of TPNs and about the amount of dedication and perseverance that led to their development…. This story is a must read for doctors, pharmacists and nurses.”

Paige Lovitt, Reader Views, gives Lifeliner 5 stars on

“Jeej recommended it (moving north to Bobcaygeon from Scarborough). He thought when she first came out of hospital, she would be a semi-invalid. That she would be able to sit around the house and that would be about it. They had no idea. This was brand new. And she might do a little bit of dusting, this sort of thing.

I think I got her driving in ’72. And once I got some wheels under her, she was on her way. She surprised all the hell out of Jeej.”

Clifford Taylor, Husband

“I only intended to read a little but the book was so unputtable down. Before I knew, it was nearly 5AM and I was at Chapter 28!! This book really helps me understand the evolution of TPN, and most of all, the patient’s perspective of having to cope with home TPN (and also the family) and emotion surrounds it…. I couldn’t do anything for the next couple of hours. I had to make myself distracted.”

Kansuda Thongthai, Endocrinologist and TPN Fellow from Thailand

“It was really a great experience for me to travel with Judy. I learned an awful lot from her. Not just about TPN. About life in general. You don’t have to be physically perfect to be fine.”

Sandra Lapenny, Friend and Fellow Lifeliner (deceased)

“Just a note to tell you how much I enjoyed the book on Judy. I’m sure she would have been delighted. As I was reading it I felt like I was getting another visit with Judy knitting needles and all.”

Nancy Hill, Judy’s Friend

“Judy never ever didn’t think the struggle wasn’t worth it. Life was the most important thing there was to Judy. No matter what she had to do, it was worth it. That was how she treated all of us. OK, get your complaining over with and get on with your life. There’s a lot of life out there to be lived. She was just an awfully special person.”

Mary Bigelow, Friend and Fellow TPN Patient

“I’ve just finished reading your book which is great. I can’t believe the detail and empathy all expressed beautifully…. A tribute to your Dad also.”

Eileen Beatty, Reader

“Judy was a courageous person who underwent quite a serious illness, recovered from severe peritonitis and dead bowel, and ultimately survived. She bore all this with extreme courage. She withstood a lot of pain and discomfort. And ultimately she was subjected to what was then an experimental treatment about which we learnt as we tried it on Judy. And despite the uncertainties of the treatment, she raised a family, had an active social life, and was always cheerful.”

Dr. Khursheed N. (Jeej) Jeejeebhoy

“The best answers to questions concerning the adequacy of our total intravenous regimen have been given in reports on patients with the no bowel syndrome. The classical case concerns a woman who was treated and investigated by Khursheed N. Jeejeebhoy and co-workers (and) was the first showing the therapeutic possibility of complete intravenous nutrition.

I have written many different articles and papers and given a large number of lectures on parenteral or intravenous nutrition. In all of these, I have mentioned the names of Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy and Mrs. Judy Taylor several times. Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy has shown that complete long-term intravenous nutrition is of great clinical value to maintain a patient in normal condition when the patient is unable to use the gastrointestinal tract. Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy must thus be called ‘The Father of Complete Long-Term Parenteral Nutrition in Man.'”

Professor Arvid Wretlind (deceased), pioneer in TPN research and winner of the Bristol-Myers Award in Nutritional Excellence, from his Foreword to Lifeliner.

“This book tells the story of a woman who survived solely on artificial nutrition from the days when this treatment was still being developed. The Judy Taylor story has been told by some of the pioneers in this important field of medicine to convince fellow doctors of the possibilities to save lives previously doomed. Most importantly, it is written from the patient’s point of view, making it an important read not least for the professionals in health care”

Olle Ljungqvist MD, PhD
Chairman of European Society for Clinical Nutritiona and Metabolism
Professor of Surgery, Karolinska Institutet, Sweden

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