I’ve been steadily chipping away at the pages on my brain injury site. I wrote either drafts or final versions of most of them during Camp NaNoWriMo. But working on each page, refining, finding studies, creating images or downloading free stock images (that half the time my brain decides needs snazzing up, as if I…
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
Muscles, Arthritis, and Light Therapy
Car crash. Whiplash. Shoulder strains and sprains. I talk about concussion but rarely the injuries outside the brain. Or the inherited arthritis invading my fingers, the essentials of my craft. But I’m writing now because I finally had to bite the bullet to replace my aging home low-intensity laser therapy unit (LILT), and it made…
Gamma 38 to 42Hz Study: Results and Discussion
On 13 April 2020, I began a single subject study into audiovisual entrainment of gamma brainwaves at 38 to 42Hz. The ideal gamma brainwave frequency one wants is 40Hz. I finished it yesterday, 10 May 2020. Today, I present the results of four weeks of this study. Results I measured the effect of gamma 38…
Gamma 38 to 42Hz Week Four Progress
Gamma 38 to 42Hz Week Three Progress
Fatigue walloped me in week three. I struggled with it, and it prevented me from doing what I had the initiation (from gamma) and plans to do. This kind of setback is normal for my brain injury. Any time I think I’m getting somewhere, fatigue rises up like a monster, claws extended, and lands on…
Audiovisual Entrainment or AVE, a Neuroplastic Treatment
A Simpler Explanation Audiovisual entrainment. Huh? AVE. What’s that?! I’m so used to these terms and AVE being short for audiovisual entrainment, that I forget it all sounds like technobabble to most. So here goes my attempt to explain this neuroplastic treatment better. What is Neuroplastic? Neuroplastic?!!! Neuroplastic means the brain’s ability to change and…
Gamma 38 to 42Hz AVE Week Two Progress
Week one of gamma 38 to 42Hz AVE (audiovisual entrainment) a good start to my single-subject study to see if AVE can replace gamma-brainwave training via brain biofeedback during COVID-19. Week Two:
Gamma 38 to 42Hz AVE Week One Progress
See my post Gamma 38 to 42Hz Audiovisual Entrainment for Brain Injury, Single Subject Study for hypothesis and methodology of this one-month study to see if gamma brainwave audiovisual entrainment will improve functionality and decrease anxiety and vigilance during COVID-19.
COVID-19 Creates Another New Routine
One of the things about brain injury, like with COVID-19, is that you need routine to function well. Yet when you access treatments, routines must change upon returning skills, changed talents, and increasing functionality. Sometimes finding a new therapy or new psychiatrist or psychologist means a disrupted routine and once again finding your way to…