2023 Arrives, Optimism Stays

These almost three years have witnessed increased death; a virus sprouting disability; people rallying to protect each other; then falling apart like pins and SARSCoV2 the bowling ball. On one side are the back-to-normal-yay folks. The ones unused to chronic illness — which this pandemic is on the population level — demanding this illness be…

Hey Docs! Innovate Long COVID Care!!

qEEG and neurostimulation have improved the lives of people with brain injury. It’s time to study it for the treatment of people living with long COVID. While clinics and docs “innovate” medicine for Long COVID by bringing back 1980s’ methods for blood pressure instability*, I’ve been looking and asking around about 21st medicine. We’ve progressed…

What’s In A Name? Me!

#BrainInjury obliterated the old me. I felt like my name wasn’t my name. I eventually felt like my name was my first and last only. But when I designed my self-help book’s cover in April, I found myself using my full name on it. And that felt right. Today, here too on my profile. Originally…

Two Books – Two Yays!

A selection of my reviews of books and things.

Early this morning, I received the beta reader comments on book one of my Resurrection Trilogy. And a few hours later I discussed my self-help book with my editor, the one who guided me through Lifeliner and my first novels and oversaw Concussion Is Brain Injury (both editions). The Interdimension Beta Read Katherine of Autocrit,…

Self-Help Book Revision Time

Photo by Suzy Hazelwood on Pexels.com

Revising time starts today! I know, almost a month after I finished drafting my self-help book for people with brain injury in April’s Camp NaNoWriMo. I exceeded my word count goal of 25,000 words — writing 39,166 words — and completed the draft! Both by the 22nd. Kind of stunning! And draining. That’s partly why…