With COVID-19 cancelling my brain biofeedback appointments at the ADD Centre plus having to miss the session just before lockdown because of exhaustion from participating in Brain Storm, I began to feel the absence of no gamma brainwave training. Fortunately, Mind Alive has added three gamma sessions to their DAVID Delight Pro and DAVID Delight…
Category: Personal
My Covid-19 Begins
Brain injury is an isolating injury; the fatigue can build up to the point you have no choice but plant yourself on the couch for a couple of weeks. So I’ve had plenty of “self-isolations.” Welcome all! Like many of us with brain injury, most of you don’t actually have the plague but no one…
Brain Injury Pacing Tip for Teeth
I swear there’s nothing more exhausting than brushing one’s teeth. In the years following my brain injury, I struggled to remember to brush my teeth and to actually do the full monty when I remembered: brush, floss, gargle. In these covid-19 times, when worry about coronavirus hiding in toothbrush bristles, when fatigue worsens, it suddenly…
Brain Storm, A Play in One Act, An Opportunity in One Year
The opportunity began in 2017 with an ordinary BIST outing to see Brain Storm by Taliesin McEnaney at the Toronto Fringe Festival. I wrote a review. I released my revised book Concussion Is Brain Injury to the world shortly after. Based on my review and my book, Taliesin, a member of the Brain Injury Society…
Chocolate Unexpected
When you wander into a familiar café and see a completely new treat, it’s like the delight one feels when good news drops into your routine, when an out-of-the-blue opportunity disrupts your expectations of what comes next in your day, your week, your year and draws a grin across your face. This croissant was a…
Rest in the Frenzy
Living with brain injury is a never-ending journey of tuning up the brain in the mornings; going to medical appointments to heal the brain, relieve pain, increase mobility; running the gauntlet of public transit that declares itself accessible and is not; navigating sidewalks filled with snow or garbage bins or patio fences that leave a…
Twentieth Anniversary Party, Lawyer Style
I hadn’t realized my lawyer’s firm was established the same year I was injured. Twenty twenty. So when I received the invitation last year for their big bash to celebrate and saw it’d be in Assembly Hall, one of the few places I can navigate reasonably well, I said yes. One of the weird things…
Twentieth Crashiversary
Five and a half years after the car crash that took away myself, the only friend to reach in to me and who’s stuck with me until today, suggested I buy a point ‘n shoot camera. My brain injury had taken away my photography, and I could no longer use my Minolta Maxxum — “unintended…
Remembering Pastor Duke Vipperman
My Pastor, The Rev. Canon Dr. Walter Bryce (Duke) Vipperman, died on Friday, 3 January 2020 from cancer at the age of 69. This is my eulogy of an ordinary, radical man. The sun shone on the church steps as Duke shook hands with congregants emerging through the ornery wood church doors. I hung back…