First Mind Alive Gamma Session

With COVID-19 cancelling my brain biofeedback appointments at the ADD Centre plus having to miss the session just before lockdown because of exhaustion from participating in Brain Storm, I began to feel the absence of no gamma brainwave training. Fortunately, Mind Alive has added three gamma sessions to their DAVID Delight Pro and DAVID Delight…

My Covid-19 Begins

Brain injury is an isolating injury; the fatigue can build up to the point you have no choice but plant yourself on the couch for a couple of weeks. So I’ve had plenty of “self-isolations.” Welcome all! Like many of us with brain injury, most of you don’t actually have the plague but no one…

Health Takes A Month

I’m being a dutiful and safe adult and getting my shots. I’ve had my pneumonia one, Prevnar 13, and the two Shingrix ones, for shingles. Next up is my tetanus booster, and I’m seriously wondering: do I hafta‽ I will get it, but I need a few weeks of my health back first. Brain injury…