Brain Storm — A Play Worth Seeing!

Published Categorised as News, Brain Power

“A visually arresting and comically haunting look at the ramifications of brain surgery and how one woman finds her way in a reality that is forever different. BRAIN STORM takes you into the operating theatre, to dissect the question; are our brains magic, machines or both?”

UPDATE: I will be on the talk-back panel after the March 4 and March 7 performances!

Early in 2019, Taliesin McEnaney asked me to be both brain injury consultant and dramaturge on the world premiere mounting of her play. What an amazing opportunity! I didn’t hesitate to say yes, to consult on Writer/Director Taliesin McEnaney’s captivating One-Act play Brain Storm. The workshop production of Brain Storm won the Toshi Knife Cutting Edge Award at the 2017 Toronto Fringe Festival. Combining dialogue, choreography, and projections, the 2020 mounting immerses the audience into the experience of a young woman whose damaged brain throws her into a new reality.

“Taliesin McEnaney draws on the work of famous Canadian neurosurgeon Dr. Wilder Penfield, the writings of her spiritual medium grandmother, and a brain injury in her own family to craft this unique piece of physical theatre.”

Pay-as-you-can-afford tickets are available on the Brown Paper Tickets site for its run February 27 to March 8, 2020. Attend the play at Dancemakers Studio and enjoy dinner or drinks in one of the many restaurants in the Distillery District before or after.

“How do you make vivid theatre out of brain surgery? Somehow writer/director Taliesin McEnaney achieved that back at its workshop production at the Fringe Festival in 2017 – chosen one of NOW’s best productions and ensembles of the fest.” (Glenn Sumi, NOW Magazine, 1 Feb 2020)

My Duck logo walking on my books in pink and blue shading.



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