I was talking to an enthusiastic reader of Lifeliner the other day, and he told me he went to the largest library branch in Toronto to put in a request for my book. Apparently, when the Toronto Public Library doesn’t carry a book and a reader wants to borrow a copy that doesn’t exist on…
Category: Books
Claim Lifeliner at Mini Book Expo 2008
Did you miss Book Expo Canada? Did you even know there was such a thing? Have no fear, you can still get your book fix through Mini Book Expo. And, even better, if you or someone you know would like to write a few words about Lifeliner, you can claim it, read it, and get…
Another Good Review!
I’m starting to feel like a critically acclaimed movie: lots of good words, not the commensurate number of sales. Still, the review of Lifeliner I just stumbled across was a real upper. When I searched for “jeejeebhoy” on Amazon.com, I did a double take when I saw next to the title of my book “4…
Fundraiser Day
Saturday dawned beautiful. Clouds painted white streaks high across the sky, a sky coloured a deep vibrant blue that we haven’t seen in awhile. People emptied out of their homes to soak up the warm sun and be refreshed by the breeze moving through their light jackets and sweaters. Some flocked to nurseries, others into…
Mentioned on AM740!
Fantastic news: Marilyn Wetston kindly talked about my book twice this morning on her Sunday radio show From a Woman’s Perspective on AM740 in Toronto. Nicknamed “The Wardrobe Doctor,” Marilyn runs a fashion store, appears on the radio (including Internet radio) and television, and writes for a large variety of Canadian and Ontario print media.…
An Honest Story of Judy Saving a Spirit
A person whose spirit Judy saved left a touching and honest account of how she met Judy in my Guestbook. When Toni Smith first e-mailed me to tell me how Judy had made a difference in her life and perspective on life, I had thought it was after Judy had gone home and had successfully…
Lifeliner Featured on Reader Views
It’s a big day! My book Lifeliner is featured on the main page of Reader Views all this week, starting today. There’s a synopsis, images, and links to more information and what they thought of it. Please pass the word on to your friends, family, neighbours. It’s a good feature and an interesting site to…
Lifeliner Featured on Reader Views
It’s a big day! My book Lifeliner is featured on the main page of Reader Views all this week, starting today. There’s a synopsis, images, and links to more information and what they thought of it. And, as well, a press release has gone out to the world, telling all and sundry about Lifeliner. Actually…
Now on AuthorNation!
I’m pleased to announce that I’ve joined AuthorNation, a place for authors, writers, poets, and their readers. I’ve already received a warm welcome from community members, and I like what it offers. But it’s more than just a place to promote Lifeliner. It’s well designed and set up to read new stuff easily, and, for…