A television station out on the plains of the United States picked up a review of Lifeliner and published it on its website. I’m amazed — as in, just-not-taking-it-in-very-quickly-as-it’s-so-unexpected, in a good way — that a station in Omaha, a city in the US, not Canada, has decided to showcase a review on my book!
Category: Lifeliner
Anything to do with my first book “Lifeliner” a biography.
Lifeliner Receives National Attention!!!
I may not be getting a dozen roses today, but Reuters gave me something better: national attention!
Remember Feb. 19th — the Day Indigo Stocks Lifeliner
iUniverse and Chapters Indigo have an arrangement whereby Publisher’s Choice authors have their books stocked on the “Hot and New” table at the front of an Indigo or Chapters store in the author’s hometown for a limited period of time. The author has 8 weeks to prove that he or she can sell the book.…
The Launch Party is Over!
After all these weeks of endless waiting and days of breathless watching of the big day’s weather forecast, I cannot believe that the Book Launch Party has come and gone. But it has. And it was a success. In spite of… …the fact that the weather forecasters being so focussed on the big storm coming…
How to Autograph Your Book
Writers write, right? So you’d think they’d have plenty to say about the book signing thing. Wrong. For starters, it took me several attempts to try and find any advice on what pen to use, and I ended up asking the associate at Loomis and Toles. Then forget trying to Google the question, “How to…
Chapters.Indigo Has Listed Me!
Yay! I’m finally listed on the Chapters.Indigo website! That means that people can now order directly from iUniverse through their online store too, if they so wish. Oh happy day! Of course, this now means, time to join the Chapters community, the one all us Torontonians have been inundated with ads for on the subway.
Whoo Hoo! The Books Arrived!!
Today, at 6:17 pm I heard a bang on the door. It couldn’t be, could it? I raced to the door, and holy cow, there was the UPS man! I didn’t expect UPS to be delivering this late, but I am so not complaining. Apparently, they’re short staffed and work crazy hours until Christmas, but…
I’m on Amazon!
Holy cow, I’m on Amazon! And I haven’t even seen my own copies yet. I’m supposed to keep it all hush-hush — yeah, right, like that’s working out well — until I see my own copies to ensure there are no printer errors. But now Amazon.com, bless them, has put three copies up for sale…
Moving On
A momentous day today for me. One process ended today, and that end marked the beginning of a new trail for me. Today my PSA, Michael Fiedler, congratulated me on the end of the production process and then said good-bye. The end of the printer setup of Lifeliner is the end of his time guiding…