Brain Injury Friendly Way to Socialize: My Article in March 2014 OBIA Review

Because of my Twitter activities and launching #ABIchat last year, the Communications and Program Assistant at OBIA, the Ontario Brain Injury Association, contacted me about writing an article on social media for their magazine OBIA Review. It’s rather nice to be invited out of the blue to write something, and so I did. Back in…

The Toronto Star Quotes Me

I had an amazing surprise this holiday weekend. I was reading the Insight section of the Toronto Star, the front page of it, and decided to read Meme of the Week. I don’t usually read it but it had an intriguing title: “Miller’s cave.” So there am I reading it, and OMG my name popped…

Lifeliner in Malaysia’s Star

My parents recently spent almost a month in Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam, my father Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy having been invited to speak in those countries. They kept him busy giving lectures to both English-language and Vietnamese-language audiences. He was so popular, he was invited back not only to speak but to teach for several months…