Brain Injury Friendly Way to Socialize: My Article in March 2014 OBIA Review

Published Categorised as News, Publishing, Health, Personal, Brain Power

My Article in OBIA Review!

Because of my Twitter activities and launching #ABIchat last year, the Communications and Program Assistant at OBIA, the Ontario Brain Injury Association, contacted me about writing an article on social media for their magazine OBIA Review. It’s rather nice to be invited out of the blue to write something, and so I did. Back in January. Just in time for their deadline. And then I promptly forgot all about it.

Forgetting isn’t always a good thing. But in this case  . . . 

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Imagine my delighted surprise when the March 2014 issue (PDF) on social media came in my mail, and I opened it up. Actually, I opened it up after someone tweeted out their kudos, and I had to go look what they were talking about. Oh dear, brain injury strikes again. But wow — so cool to see my byline!