The Ordering a Book Saga Continues

Well, apparently Christmas has put a hitch into the Indigo roll-out schedule. Since bookstores, like all retailers, are drowning at this time of year in orders and sales, iUniverse is holding off submitting fall-release Publisher’s Choice titles to the Chapters Indigo buyer until after the madness ends. In my case, January. That means my book…

Moving On

A momentous day today for me. One process ended today, and that end marked the beginning of a new trail for me. Today my PSA, Michael Fiedler, congratulated me on the end of the production process and then said good-bye. The end of the printer setup of Lifeliner is the end of his time guiding…

Marketing Toolkit Arrives

I received the Marketing Toolkit today from iUniverse. It’s a cornucopia of pre-designed postcards, bookmarks, posters, buttons…the list goes on! I’m overwhelmed!! It comes with a large instruction booklet for how to use the materials and to have them printed professionally, each on a certain kind of paper. This is familiar territory to me as…

The Final Stage

What a day! From the high of receiving my final proofs to the low of seeing two stupid errors to the relief of my PSA saying send the changes in and we’ll fix them. The spelling of the award Judy received really challenges my brain. I have to check the spelling every single time I…

Lifeliner Proofed

Proofing done! iUniverse sent me PDF files for the paperback cover, the hardcover, and the book block (the internals). They looked very good. I was impressed with how they styled my chapter titles and harmonized the spine and back cover with the front cover. They made one small change to the front cover — my…

Publisher’s Choice! Wow!!!

Lifeliner has officially been awarded Publisher’s Choice!!! I also saw the cover copy for both the paperback and hardcover editions, and it’s really good!

Front Cover Revealed

The iUniverse Design Services Associate sent me the front cover. Looking good! Now, book production starts in earnest. The book block will be designed, then the text proofread before I see it and review the proofreading changes (hopefully there won’t be many). After that, the book quickly becomes a physical and finished reality. Cannot wait!

Cover Being Designed

The book cover is being designed, and then the Publisher’s Choice committee will review and approve it, after which it will be sent to me for approval. Very exciting!