It’s been a bit of a tough week. I returned to my medical routine, and my brain biofeedback was changed up. As I wrote earlier, we’d added transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) to the mix. Well. Even though I felt nothing at the time, except tingling on my scalp, the morning after the two sessions,…
Tag: Gamma
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Changing Brain Location
Back to the brain-injury-recovery routine, except it's not routine. Oh sure, it's the same-old TTC to clinic, get wired up, play games on the computer with my brain (no hands, Ma!) routine, but now there’s a twist and a change. After my 19-point EEG, evoke potentials study, and earlier computer assessments last month, we’re now…
Progress Report Time for Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback
I’ve had a few reassessments. First, you do the IVA test, then after a rest, the TOVA test, then after another rest, the three-minute EEG assessment with the electrode in the CZ position (on the top of your head between the ears). But I’ve never done them like this before, with my brain deciding to…
Nineteen-Point EEG and Evoked Potentials Tests
I went for another 19-point EEG assessment at the ADD Centre this past week. I’ve had, I think, three of these before, the last one being in September 2007. Things have changed! First off, much better cap. It’s stretchy and easily goes over all my hair. Plus the electrodes are on the outside. The syringe…
A Medical Vacation, A Writing Avocation
Vacation time! Well, okay, not a vacation where you go off and lie on a beach somewhere, more a vacation from something: medical appointments!!! My final two brain biofeedback appointments went well. People in real life saw a sudden change in my sense of humour and were amazed by it. I saw a small change…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Reading Progress
Reading is such a complex process, there’s so much to learn! Two weeks ago, the gamma brain biofeedback protocol was changed again. So now after the three-minute assessment and five-minute heart-rate variability screen (aka deep breathing in sync with heart rate cycle), I now do one gamma feedback screen. We work on enhancing my gamma…
Thinking About Alpha Waves Again During Gamma Brain Biofeedback
Why do I have alpha waves intruding in my sleep? Don't know. What effect do they have? Not sure. Well, what do alpha waves do? (I ask the psychologist instead of the neuropsychiatrist.) Daydreaming, creativity, stuff like that. Is that it? Not sure. What else? Don't know. Why do you want me not to have…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: A Change
After the reassessment comes a change up in treatment protocol.* Instead of three gamma brainwave biofeedback screens, I did two, the bowling and maze screens, then the “feeling” screen. Huh? During that three-minute screen, I had to pay attention to how I felt and answer the questions: What does it feel like when my alpha…
Returning to Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback After Christmas Hols
So I returned to gamma brainwave biofeedback week of Jan 14 after about a month away. Let me tell you, I did not expect it to feel like trying to exercise after a break of a month or so. Halfway through the first biofeedback screen, I wanted to quit, I was so tired. Each EEG…