Gamma training didn't work as well as usual. It didn't help that my heart rate was way up there (let's pretend we didn't see those 130+ figures shall we, and why didn't rest while I was thankfully waiting for my appointment to start drop it? Scary to think maybe it did.), probably because I stupidly…
Tag: Gamma
A Hot Day at Gamma Brain Training
My skin was so hot, my trainer was sure the temperature sensor would melt. Well, maybe a slight exaggeration. She did think it was going to show a much-higher temp than usual. I didn't. I was right, but I didn't know why, especially since my skin was prickling painfully from the heat waving out of…
A Substitute Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback Trainer
Having a substitute brain biofeedback trainer is a bit like having had a substitute teacher when you were a kid, except as an adult you’re nice to them, maybe even nicer than to your regular trainer. No hard questions for the substitute, guiding them on the usual way of doing things, that sort of thing.…
Brain Biofeedback and Drive, Initiation, Motivation
Drive, initiation, motivation are three aspects of our human-ness I didn't think much about, except for drive, till after my brain injury. Rehab talked about brain injury inducing a loss of motivation; learned articles acknowledged there’s such a thing as initiation deficit post-brain injury. But the one thing my father talked about a lot (ok,…
Even When Sleepy, It’s Still Possible to Train the Brain
Five and a half hours sleep makes gamma brainwave training difficult. Stupid back. Biofeedback day is not a good time to slowly devolve into stripes of pain, I said to my back. It shrugged and stiffened up more. As I had anticipated with my back going all stiff and tense on me, my muscle tension…
The Heart Remembers; Gamma Training Helps
Today is the anniversary of my anniversary. It made doing the SMIRB portion of my gamma brainwave biofeedback real easy. My pen flew along, although I did press it rather hard, which I didn't realize until I saw my never-seen-it-that-high-before muscle tension number. Whoa. Jerk. That's all I’ll say about him. Jerk. I know, I…
Neurofeedback and Triggers
What gamma giveth, LORETA taketh. I doubt this would happen if I didn't have PTSD and the bad memories weren't pouring out like a faucet stuck in the open position as LORETA improves my memory thus inadvertently countering the happy gamma effects. It probably didn't help that in the PZ-O1 position, the what-I-call happy gamma…
New Brain Biofeedback Regimen
The biggest complaint people have about LORETA neurofeedback is they’re tired afterwards, my trainer told me. I stared at her. I hadn’t noticed anything different. But then since I’m always tired, I probably wouldn’t have. And, anyway, if you’re working your somnolent brain, it’s bound to be tired. My cockiness got a real whooping after…
Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback: Looking Forward
I'm about to embark on a new path in my brain biofeedback journey. It's called LORETA neurofeedback (NIH; PDF, pg 11). It's whole-brain biofeedback. Instead of one electrode (or two, if working on coherence) on your scalp, it's the 19-point cap. Nineteen electrodes getting feedback from nineteen points in the brain so as to work…