PAD Challenge: Poem No. 5 “The CN Tower: Toronto’s Landmark”

Today’s prompt for Poetic Asides’ poem-a-day challenge is Landmark. The obvious one for a Torontonian is the CN Tower. Not my best work, but the attempt is what’s important, eh? “The CN Tower: Toronto’s Landmark” The CN Tower. Iconic, Sturdy, Tall. So Toronto. But no longer the tallest freestanding structure in the world Since Dubai…

PAD Challenge: Poem No. 2 “Outsider”

As I wrote previously, I’m rising to Poetic Aside’s poem-a-day challenge. Today the prompt is “outsider.” “Outsider” Dinner out The whole family. A special day. A special place. But Brother has a Deathly allergy To fish with shells. He cannot come To this banquet With the whole family.

Nibbles of Chocolate

“Never trust anyone who tells you they don’t eat desserts. You know, those people who look at you smugly when you offer your pièce de résistance and say, ‘Oh, I couldn’t; this dessert is too rich!’ We simply respond with, ‘We don’t understand the concept of ‘too rich’ — or ‘too chocolaty’ for that matter.”…