Articles on Squidoo

I’ve written several online articles, from setting up a CafePress shop to Getting Started with Ubuntu and published them on Squidoo. I’ve listed them on my Essays Page where they will be regularly updated as I publish new ones. Check back often to see what’s new!

The Soft Light of Christ(mas)

The woman stands at the tall lobby window, staring out into the night, waiting. The car races down the darkened road. The crosswalk lights sway erratically in the black wind, casting shifting shadows onto the melting snow. People jostle strangers in the light-bright mall, un-noticing. The mother cooks in the kitchen. The father sits on…

Happy Canada Day

Forty years, four months, and fourteen days ago, I landed at Toronto International Airport with my mother, my baby brother, and my teddy bear. My father was waiting to greet us, as he had been in the country for one month already, starting work, finding a place to live. Thirty-five years, four months, and fourteen…

Authorship Down

When you first go to writing school, that is, creative writing courses or workshops, they don’t tell you about the marketing side of the business. They don’t tell you that writing is only the beginning, that after the fun stuff comes the business stuff, that if you want to sell your books or stories or…