What movies or TV series have you watched more than 5 times? Star Trek, all the series except maybe DS9, I’ve watched many times. I don’t remember how I first came upon Star Trek. That was back in the day when broadcast TV had a variety of shows on from, well, variety shows to private…
Category: Personal
The Tired Question
What is one question you hate to be asked? Explain. Tell me your story. It’s sort of a question wrapped up in a command. And, really, where would I begin‽ My story is so dang long! How about reading my memoir. Too long. My blog. Too many posts. Psychology Today blog. Where’s the post on…
My Life’s Opening Sentence
You’re writing your autobiography. What’s your opening sentence? I read mysteries. I live one, too. Brain injury is like a mystery. A grey and white thing hidden inside a roundish bony thing, the brain does its thing, running us and our bodies mysteriously until it is injured. None can see the damage. Not with their…
What Is My Job?
Do you enjoy your job? This Jetpack app prompt presupposes you have a job. Most people do, whether they think of it as a career or a way just to eat. I guess that means most are healthy enough — emphasis on enough — to work, to have enough stamina to keep working and earning.…
Coffee Making After Brain Injury
When visiting my Aunt, she served me the kind of coffee one craves when reading a Brunetti novel. Yet hers was simple to make…aside from grinding the beans. She boiled the water in a pot on the stove. She filled a little metal thing that looked like a filter from an espresso pot with freshly…
My Brain Needs a Challenge
What bores you? I think my mother got real fed up with my, “I’m booooorrrrred,” growing up. Decades later, my brain trainer discovered the problem with me and boredom. Normally, as I understand it, they set the neurofeedback parameters to challenge the brain but not too much. When it’s too challenging, the client can’t do…
Coffee and Snow
What is your favourite drink? I’m spending way too much time on tracking my power usage. After all, isn’t the point of going green to save power and money while being more comfortable? And how can you know you’re saving without tracking? Unlike other parts of the globe, we here in Toronto have one set…
Minus Twenty Demands Baking Warmth
I didn’t know what to expect as we headed into a sudden temperature plunge last weekend. Going down down down to -20…-21…-22C. Would my heat pump handle it? It’s not called a cold climate heat pump for nothing! There are some growing pains in learning how to use a heat pump. “What’s there to learn‽”…
The Repercussions of an Unchecked Pandemic
What happens when a virus that injures the brain runs amok? Fatalities hidden behind hospital doors and inside homes don’t faze politicians or reporters. The pandemic scurries along unchecked even as the World Health Organization decided today to continue the international emergency. While we’re all focused on politicians and complicit public health, I’m glaring at…