NaNoWriMo 2010 Begins!

November crept up on me and suddenly it’s time! No more angst over whether my story is any good; if I have all the scenes down pat; is my character work complete; have I figured out all the locations…or maybe I should add or change a scene to another location. I’ve written the outline; I’ve…

Lifeliner on Apple iTunes

I’m pleased to announce that Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story is now live on iTunes! For free!!! Podcast one chapter at a time, it makes for a good way to make a commute go faster, to inspire you in only 15 minutes. I will be podcasting a new chapter on my website each Saturday until…

Changes on the Backend

I’ve been moving and tweaking my website these last few days. A couple of months ago I became fed up with the technical ineptitude of my web host provider and decided to move. As is usual with the friendly people on the Internet, several immediately recommended various providers and gave me some tips. And as…