With COVID-19 cancelling my brain biofeedback appointments at the ADD Centre plus having to miss the session just before lockdown because of exhaustion from participating in Brain Storm, I began to feel the absence of no gamma brainwave training. Fortunately, Mind Alive has added three gamma sessions to their DAVID Delight Pro and DAVID Delight…
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
My Covid-19 Begins
Brain injury is an isolating injury; the fatigue can build up to the point you have no choice but plant yourself on the couch for a couple of weeks. So I’ve had plenty of “self-isolations.” Welcome all! Like many of us with brain injury, most of you don’t actually have the plague but no one…
Brain Injury Pacing Tip for Teeth
I swear there’s nothing more exhausting than brushing one’s teeth. In the years following my brain injury, I struggled to remember to brush my teeth and to actually do the full monty when I remembered: brush, floss, gargle. In these covid-19 times, when worry about coronavirus hiding in toothbrush bristles, when fatigue worsens, it suddenly…
Eye Exam Time 2019
Three and a half years since my eye surgery and for the first time I had a fairly routine eye exam this week. Everything is stable. Even better, my reduced sensitivity to light is because things are improving not because I’m developing cataracts. Phew. And wow. I’d noticed after the surgery that my scarred eye…
Health Takes A Month
I’m being a dutiful and safe adult and getting my shots. I’ve had my pneumonia one, Prevnar 13, and the two Shingrix ones, for shingles. Next up is my tetanus booster, and I’m seriously wondering: do I hafta‽ I will get it, but I need a few weeks of my health back first. Brain injury…
Cold Feet, Ice Creeping Upwards
As regular readers may know, like too many people with brain injury, I have thermoregulation issues. That means I’ve run too hot for over a decade. (I write about possible reasons why in my book Concussion Is Brain Injury.) But I haven’t talked about my cold feet and the strange phenomenon of being far too…
Nineteenth Brain Injury Anniversary
It’s been a year of painted brains, painted masks showing the experience of injured brains, and no change. Awareness gets you nowhere, it seems. It’s been a year of screaming for help, giving up, and only then getting effective reading comprehension restoration and grief therapy. The irritating reality-denying be-positive messaging finally stopped, and the healing…
Eighteen Years, Eleven Months, Three Weeks
flic.kr/p/2bcpboE When I first met a person who’d lived with brain injury for twenty years, it seemed so far into the future for me. I could barely comprehend living with brain injury that long. I expected to be fully recovered by that point, myself. Roll eyes here. I was working hard on improving my health,…
Reading Re-Evaluation Results After 81 Hours Visualizing and Verbalizing Instruction with Lindamood-Bell
Today was re-evaluation results day! It seems like another lifetime ago yet only yesterday that I received my initial reading assessment results from the Minnesota Lindamood-Bell centre. I’ve completed eighty-one hours of visualizing and verbalizing instruction with Lindamood-Bell’s Double Bay, Australia centre (which because of the time zone difference allowed me to do it two…