I’ve done 175 hours of brain biofeedback, 84 in my first 2 years and 91 in the last 1.5 years for gamma training. (Fewer hours first time around because I missed summers and I became quite ill in the first 3 months of 2007, probably because I’d pushed myself too hard, a horrid time I’d…
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
Pills are Not the Only Modality of Treating the Brain
I’ve been thinking a lot lately about how the medical system treats the “mental illness” aspect of brain injury, that is, moods, thinking styles, that sort of thing. I’ve never been put on drugs for depression or concentration problems, but I know others who have, and my neurodoc has talked to me several times about…
The Essence of Gamma Brainwaves is the Person
I heard the ADD Centre are doing gamma training on a second person now. Cool. The bouncy, perception-opening feeling of these tiny, essential brainwaves will be spread to others. Gamma brainwave enhancement doesn’t always get me all Tigger-ish, but I rarely leave feeling the same level of stress, level of perception, level of thinking as…
Something Different in Gamma Brainwave Biofeedback
“Can I videotape my brainwaves?” I asked my trainer. “Sure!” she said, and I handed her my iPhone, gleeful thoughts of finally getting to play with iMovie dancing in my head. I’ve been in a bit of a blogging funk lately. At the same time, I’ve told lots of people about the neurofeedback I do,…
Heart Beats What the Heart Wants
I give up. I think: yes, Houston, we have a solution! This one will bring my heart rate down permanently. This is it! And then my heart goes, bwahahahahaha!!! Sigh. Heart rate is back up in to the 120s, with a touch of bradycardia this week. With writing and reading after four super-gamma-producing HRV and…
Random Health Thoughts
It's been so long since I've blogged on my brain biofeedback treatments, it almost feels like I'm not doing them. But I am. I continue trucking along, each session a 3-minute assessment, 5-minute HRV screen aka deep breathing in rhythm with heart rate going up and down, three neurofeedback screens of 3 minutes each bowling,…
Back To Gamma-Only Life
“I don't want you coming back here in the 130s, ma’am,” my trainer half-joked about my ridiculous heart rate at the end of gamma training. Seriously speaking, I'm with her. Seeing one’s heart rate well into the 130s is not so hot. We decided to blame the heat — a sudden upswing into the 30s…
LORETA Neurofeedback’s Last Week
This week marks the end of another phase of my biofeedback journey. This week my LORETA neurofeedback treatments came to an end. Although I'm relieved I won't have to travel to Mississauga anymore, I will miss seeing the people, saying hello, discussing my progress, talking brains. I am now happily embarking on a ten-day staycation…
Beta Spikes and Grisly Scenes During LORETA Neurofeedback
The same week we began stimulation of my Wernicke’s area, we saw beta spikes for the first time during my LORETA neurofeedback session. It began right with the first screen. And it wasn’t just a spike of five or six standard deviations from the norm, it was an off-the-chart spike. My trainer spoke to Andrea…