Five and a half hours sleep makes gamma brainwave training difficult. Stupid back. Biofeedback day is not a good time to slowly devolve into stripes of pain, I said to my back. It shrugged and stiffened up more. As I had anticipated with my back going all stiff and tense on me, my muscle tension…
Category: Brain Power
Musings on what makes for a powerful brain. This category also includes the sub-category Brain Health, which covers all things related to brain injury.
LORETA Neurofeedback Outs My Distractability
We experimented in this week's LORETA neurofeedback session with open door/closed door. I played the DVD with my brain with the door closed for the first two five-minute screens, door open for the second two screens, and door closed for the last two screens. We wanted to see if it made a difference to my…
LORETA Neurofeedback: Week Five
Low motivation. Or blob on a rock, as I described it to my trainer, the feeling and lack of thinking I've had since Sunday, with a brief retraction on Wednesday afternoon when I managed to be productive. I hadn't realized that that strange feeling, one I haven't had for years and which was prevalent after…
The Heart Remembers; Gamma Training Helps
Today is the anniversary of my anniversary. It made doing the SMIRB portion of my gamma brainwave biofeedback real easy. My pen flew along, although I did press it rather hard, which I didn't realize until I saw my never-seen-it-that-high-before muscle tension number. Whoa. Jerk. That's all I’ll say about him. Jerk. I know, I…
LORETA Neurofeedback Week Four
The ADD Centre folks are great. You have a problem with the training, and they immediately go hmmm, tweak the settings, and have a new protocol ready for you for the next session. This week, they removed the mood network from my LORETA neurofeedback training. In one way, that would make it easier as I…
Neurofeedback and Triggers
What gamma giveth, LORETA taketh. I doubt this would happen if I didn't have PTSD and the bad memories weren't pouring out like a faucet stuck in the open position as LORETA improves my memory thus inadvertently countering the happy gamma effects. It probably didn't help that in the PZ-O1 position, the what-I-call happy gamma…
LORETA Neurofeedback: Week Three
I've now completed three sessions of LORETA neurofeedback, and I'm more tired than old toast. But so far, I have been seeing improvements since after session one. Apparently, this is not usual. It hasn't been usual for me to see improvements after the first session of a brain biofeedback-type treatment either. My theory for this…
New Brain Biofeedback Regimen
The biggest complaint people have about LORETA neurofeedback is they’re tired afterwards, my trainer told me. I stared at her. I hadn’t noticed anything different. But then since I’m always tired, I probably wouldn’t have. And, anyway, if you’re working your somnolent brain, it’s bound to be tired. My cockiness got a real whooping after…
LORETA Neurofeedback: Day One
LORETA: low resolution brain electromagnetic tomography So. I survived my first LORETA neurofeedback session. In some ways, it was familiar. Familiar office where I go for my assessments at the ADD Centre. Familiar start with HRV (heart rate variability) training. Familiar scrubbing of earlobes. But the 19-point EEG cap didn’t feel the same because she…