What is Twitter? Several media folk, in print or on TV or radio, have attempted to answer that question, and they usually say something typical like, “Posts, also called tweets, can range from the mundane (“Stuck in traffic”) to the heart of the human experience (“Tears. We’re having twin girls!”) There also can be too…
Tag: Writing
Copyright, Moral Rights, and The Facebook Face-Off
As a writer, you gotta navigate the copyright minefield when contracting with journals, newspapers, magazines, publishers. Before my injury, when I was trying to get my work published, I discovered some magazines were better than others in working with writers and not trying to take their copyright for free. And one magazine was really bad…
Book Published in US First? Register it!
Us Canadians have it easy. We write a work; it’s copyrighted. It’s not only copyrighted here but also in all the countries with which Canada has copyright relations, by being a member of the Berne Convention, including the United States. However, many of us Canuck authors can’t get attention from Canadian publishers if we streaked…
Google Book Settlement: Not Perfect, Lots of Work, But Better than Theft
It’s hard enough trying to earn a living as an author when people so excited over your book loan out their copy to all and sundry rather than suggesting all and sundry buy it, but when Google comes along and posts that book online for all and sundry plus your one buyer to read it…
Q&A with Paul Lima, Author of “How to Write a Non-Fiction Book in 60 Days”
As I announced yesterday, I’m pleased to host on my website Paul Lima’s Virtual Book Tour for his new book How to Write a Non-Fiction Book in 60 Days. Freelance writer Luigi Benetton sat down with Paul Lima, author of How to Write a Non-fiction Book in 60 Days, to ask what it takes to…
Announcement: Paul Lima’s Virtual Book Tour Appearing Here
Lorina Stephens of Five Rivers Chapmanry, a micro-publisher, recently published Paul Lima’s new book How to Write a Non-Fiction Book in 60 Days. I met Lima virtually several years ago when I checked out one of his e-mail writing courses. I had just been told by a vocational consultant that I would not be able…
WD Judge of Self-Published Book Awards Comments on Lifeliner
Almost a year ago, I submitted Lifeliner to the 16th Annual Writer’s Digest International Self-Published Book Awards. I recently heard from them, much to my surprise. Unfortunately, my book “was not among the winners.” That’s a nice way to put it; they gave me a participation certificate. The winners will not be announced publicly until…
Thoughts on Living with Tape on One’s Chest
What’s it like to have something stuck to your skin, year in, year out? When I was writing about Judy Taylor, I didn’t spend a lot of time imagining this, probably because for her, the G-tube (gastrostomy tube) consumed much more of her thoughts with its incessant leaking onto her skin than her catheter or…