Since I have at last completed my second novel and submitted it to publisher and agent for consideration, I thought it was time to update my website. Besides which, the style the 2009 version was based on was no longer supported by its creator. I like the new style or theme that the new website…
Tag: Website
Updated Bio on Dr. KN Jeejeebhoy
I updated my biographical sketch on my father Dr. Khursheed N. Jeejeebhoy. I added in some new info, as I try to keep up with his changing projects and work, and, as well, I updated the list of recent news articles he’s appeared in. Check it out!
The Jeejeebhoy Website Revamp is Complete!
OK, I think I’m done. For now. My website revamp, that is. I’ve personalized sidebars for posts and pages. I’ve learnt the banner at the top is as wide as it’s allowed to be. (I still haven’t figured out header customization for the blank part.) I’ve streamlined the navigation via the top menu and the…
Added New Articles Page
Instead of trying to squeeze my article titles into my sidebar, I decided that a page listing my online articles would be a better way of letting my readers know what else I’ve written on other websites. And so you will now find a new menu item at the top of my website: Articles. The…
A New Link on My Blogroll
I stumbled across this page one day when I saw my blog was listed on it. Opinions Canada is a website that tracks blogs, written in English and French, that feature opinions across the political spectrum. There are some thoughtful bloggers and more radical ones here, and unlike other blog trackers, it lists French ones…
Mini Book Expo Claim, Malaysian Health Journalist, and Housekeeping News
Awhile ago, I wrote about submitting Lifeliner to Mini Book Expo. I submitted it in the hopes of getting more exposure for my book, but not really thinking that as a self-published author I had much of a chance of having Lifeliner claimed. When I received an e-mail asking me if I’d ship a copy…
Freedom At Last! Meet My Other Online Self!
[Play in high quality if you can. It’s MUCH better.] Eight years, seven months, and three days after a couple of unthinking drivers smashed so hard into the back of the car in which I was a passenger that they pushed us into the car in front of us, causing me neck, shoulder, and closed…
Welcome New Subscribers
Sign up for my FREE email newsletter Compositionally Shireen to receive the latest posts on the writing life and Lifeliner, new stories and poems, or old, loved articles resurrected for your reading pleasure. Delivered conveniently into your email box every Tuesday, it will also keep you up-to-date with the newest features added to this website…
Site Down
My website was down for almost 3 hours early this evening. Not my fault! I swear!! I couldn’t believe it when I couldn’t load it. I thought my browser was playing up, but nope. I was the first of my web hosting service’s customers to notice a problem. The very helpful customer service rep said…