Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is Friday. Since it was Good Friday, I had the inspiration right in front of me, and it was pretty yummy too. “Friday” Friday, day afore Saturday, after Thursday Routine broken by hot cross buns.
Category: Writings
Articles, essays, stories, etc.
PAD Challenge: Poem No.9 “Memory”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is memory. “Memory” Frozen night, Black ribbon of asphalt Unwinding before our twin beams of light. A sign looms overhead Warning of steep descent. We crest the hill And see a red-lighted Line snaking up toward us. Brake hard. Hold Breath. Sigh Relief as we miss…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 8 “Awaken”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is routine, a specific one or routines in general. It seemed appropo for me today as it was so difficult for me to wake up this morning — a not unusual occurrence, just real annoying as it throws my routine out of whack. As I was…
PAD Challenge: Poem No.7 “Dishes”
Today’s prompt for Writer’s Digest Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is Two for Tuesday. On Tuesdays, Robert Brewer offers two prompts, but we don’t have to do both. We can do one or both. First prompt: write a clean poem. Second prompt: write a dirty poem. Guess which one I chose? It would probably help to…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 6 “Missing God”
Today’s prompt for Poetic Asides’ poem-a-day challenge is about something missing. “Missing God” Where is God When the sky Falls Thunk On my head? Where is God When the sun Falls Clunk On my back? Where is God When the moon Falls Plunk At my feet And the clouds swirl white Into my eyes And…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 5 “The CN Tower: Toronto’s Landmark”
Today’s prompt for Poetic Asides’ poem-a-day challenge is Landmark. The obvious one for a Torontonian is the CN Tower. Not my best work, but the attempt is what’s important, eh? “The CN Tower: Toronto’s Landmark” The CN Tower. Iconic, Sturdy, Tall. So Toronto. But no longer the tallest freestanding structure in the world Since Dubai…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 4 “Bee in Camera”
Today’s prompt for Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is “to pick an animal; make that animal the title of your poem; then, write a poem.” I had just admired a photo of a bee taken by a fellow Flickrite using a macro lens I’ve been coveting for years and that came to mind when thinking up…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 3 “The problem with…”
Today’s prompt for Poetic Asides poem-a-day challenge is the phrase “The problem with [blank].” It was raining today, so that was quite the inspiration, that plus some old unfinished poetry. The problem with rain Is the cold Seeping into your bones The drops Easing down your face The wet Flattening your hair The rain Mimicking…
PAD Challenge: Poem No. 2 “Outsider”
As I wrote previously, I’m rising to Poetic Aside’s poem-a-day challenge. Today the prompt is “outsider.” “Outsider” Dinner out The whole family. A special day. A special place. But Brother has a Deathly allergy To fish with shells. He cannot come To this banquet With the whole family.