Well, apparently Christmas has put a hitch into the Indigo roll-out schedule. Since bookstores, like all retailers, are drowning at this time of year in orders and sales, iUniverse is holding off submitting fall-release Publisher’s Choice titles to the Chapters Indigo buyer until after the madness ends. In my case, January. That means my book…
Category: Bookstores
Bookstore-related discussions.
Ordering Books
I’ve had some feedback that Chapters or Indigo said they don’t stock the book and will not. Then they ask the customer to order it online. Any bookstore in the Indigo chain will order a book on request, but may suggest online shopping as a quicker and easier way to get the book. However, it’s…
Joining the Community, the chapters.indigo.ca one
chapters.indigo.ca is building a “NEW community online.” Have you seen the ads plastered all over the subway? They recently turned the volume down to a few ads tastefully scattered through the cars, but as an author, they pounced on me as soon as my book hit their virtual shelves. They wanted me — me, ms.…
My First Amazon Review
I’ve received my first Amazon review! It’s on the UK Amazon site, and I’m still chuffed about it!! It was strange to see four stars all lit up for something of mine and awfully humbling to read what he wrote. I’ve always liked to see how readers interpret my stories, and it’s no different for…
Chapters.Indigo Has Listed Me!
Yay! I’m finally listed on the Chapters.Indigo website! That means that people can now order directly from iUniverse through their online store too, if they so wish. Oh happy day! Of course, this now means, time to join the Chapters community, the one all us Torontonians have been inundated with ads for on the subway.