Joined Facebook

Now, why did I log in to WordPress in the first place? Oh yeah, it was to add my blog to my Facebook profile. The universe has been poking, prodding, nudging me to join Facebook for quite some time now, and finally last week it pushed me. Join already! it seemed to say in exasperation.…

Upgrading WordPress

Ack! Never upgrade WordPress just because as soon as you log in, it tells you to “please upgrade now.” That doesn’t mean now now! Especially if you’ve just told a bunch of people about your brand spanking new website. Because as soon as you start upgrading, you’ll see all the plugins that need upgrading and…

Moving On

A momentous day today for me. One process ended today, and that end marked the beginning of a new trail for me. Today my PSA, Michael Fiedler, congratulated me on the end of the production process and then said good-bye. The end of the printer setup of Lifeliner is the end of his time guiding…