A Book Signing Précis

The food was yummy! I was very good while at Mela Café, noshing on only two breaded-eggplant mini-baguette sandwiches, and of course, having a cappuccino; but once home with the few left-over sandwiches in hand, I quickly plunked myself down in front of the Rick Mercer Report and polished off Roberto’s addictive creations, while trying…

The Launch Party is Over!

After all these weeks of endless waiting and days of breathless watching of the big day’s weather forecast, I cannot believe that the Book Launch Party has come and gone. But it has. And it was a success.  In spite of… …the fact that the weather forecasters being so focussed on the big storm coming…

Olive Jeejeebhoy in the News!

“For more than a quarter century, Olive Jeejeebhoy has helped bring Christmas toys to Toronto’s needy girls and boys.” Jack Boland of The Toronto Sun did a story on the Scott Mission’s Christmas Toy Store, the one my mother, Olive Jeejeebhoy, has been organizing and growing for 28 years. She won an Ontario award a…

How to Autograph Your Book

Writers write, right? So you’d think they’d have plenty to say about the book signing thing. Wrong. For starters, it took me several attempts to try and find any advice on what pen to use, and I ended up asking the associate at Loomis and Toles. Then forget trying to Google the question, “How to…

My First Amazon Review

I’ve received my first Amazon review! It’s on the UK Amazon site, and I’m still chuffed about it!! It was strange to see four stars all lit up for something of mine and awfully humbling to read what he wrote. I’ve always liked to see how readers interpret my stories, and it’s no different for…