Delicious Childhood Memory

I rarely eat anything from my childhood. But… Which food, when you eat it, instantly transports you to childhood? As I pondered today’s Jetpack prompt question, one memory returned. My first bite of chocolate. My faithful readers will not be surprised. Heh. After all, chocolate whispers sweet, intense desires to open my wallet and spend…

A Notable Bran Muffin

What notable things happened today? I had a hankering for a bran muffin, blueberry bran. I’d tried baking from a popular recipe last month, but wasn’t really happy with it. For one thing, I had to use raspberries as I had no blueberries. This time, I had the frozen blueberries but didn’t realize until I…

My Tagline?

If humans had taglines, what would yours be? Getting to know me, would be my tagline, I think. For myself to get to know myself, and others who knew me before brain injury and those only after to know the real me. Brain injury changed me drastically. For the non-ostriches, the changes rocked them. As…

Life Before the Internet

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Do you remember life before the internet? I do remember life before the internet, but I was an early adopter, so that was a loooong time ago. I used my father’s University of Toronto email account to email an American friend until came on the scene. Then someone, I forget who, got in touch…

Broken A Bone, Broken A Brain

Have you ever broken a bone? Perhaps my broken bone foresighted my broken brain. Not the break itself but the response to it. A child. Springtime. Judo after school. Went up the belts rapidly. Orange belt. After school play with friends. Energetic. In dresses and tights. No thought of breaking anything in myself. But then,…

A Quote For Life

Do you have a quote you live your life by or think of often? The internet heaves with quotes, quotes to inspire, to guide one’s life by, to feel better and cheer up with. Characters in books, depending on the book, quote great writers or snippets from the Bible that have become common lexicon. But…