Amazon Continues to Squeeze Authors and Small Publishers with BookSurge Ultimatum

I wrote earlier about Amazon attempting to force print-on-demand publishers like iUniverse and Lulu and other small-press publishers to use BookSurge to print all books sold through Amazon. Essentially, the retailer is also the printer and wants deep discounts from publishers for the privilege of printing through them. The discounts will lead to lower royalties…

Amazon BookSurge Ultimatum

Just when you think selling books couldn’t get any harder, along comes the wonderful news that Amazon is using its hefty muscle to force POD publishers to use BookSurge (which it owns) to print their print-on-demand (POD) books else risk having the Buy button for their authors’ books turned off. Sure, you can still purchase…

A Book Trailer is Made

Finally, finally I have a book trailer made! I had heard about these from somewhere and had thought, “What a good idea!” For those who want to get the quick and dirty about what Lifeliner is about, a video is the ideal method. I’d intended to try and do it myself, but eventually had to…