The Midwest Book Review was established in 1976 and “publishes several monthly publications for community and academic library systems in California, Wisconsin, and the upper Midwest.” Among those publications is MBR Bookwatch, and you won’t believe whose book ended up in the March 2008 issue? You got it: mine!
“The MBR Bookwatch is a monthly online book review publication that will showcase the reviews and commentaries of those Midwest Book Review editors and specialized reviewers who have demonstrated expertise and mastery of their particular fields, responsibilities, and interests. The MBR Bookwatch will also feature author interviews, as well editorial observations of various aspects of publishing world, by knowledgeable and articulate participants.”
I got a letter from iUniverse the other day. It’s rare to receive snail mail from them, never mind addressed in hand writing rather than typed, so I was puzzled. Inside there was no covering letter, just the original review on MBR’s letterhead. I surfed to their site, clicked on MBR Bookwatch, clicked on March 2008, then on Reader Views Bookshelf, scrolled down endlessly, and there it was. The review of my book by Paige Lovitt. Cool!