Tweeting on Twitter is paying dividends I didn’t expect. Tweeting is fun; reading others’ tweets is funny, enlightening, boring, and never predictable. It keeps me writing when my brain isn’t up to much composition. Those are the dividends I was expecting and hoping for. But what I didn’t expect are the opportunities it brings. Jack…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
Sponsoring Irene Watson’s Virtual Book Launch and Fundraiser
Recently, I’ve been seeing more and more writers holding virtual events. Unlike traditional book launches or book signings, which only people local to the venue can attend, these events are held online where anyone, anywhere in the world can attend. It’s cheaper and, I assume, easier for the writer too, as there are no travel…
Lifeliner in Malaysia’s Star
My parents recently spent almost a month in Singapore, Malaysia, and Vietnam, my father Dr. Khursheed Jeejeebhoy having been invited to speak in those countries. They kept him busy giving lectures to both English-language and Vietnamese-language audiences. He was so popular, he was invited back not only to speak but to teach for several months…
Exciting Research on Neuron Regrowth at McMaster U
One of the things most frustrating to me about my lawsuit was being unable to blog about my brain injury. It wasn’t so much not being able to vent as being unable to blog about the discoveries I made that made a huge difference to my functionality and thus to my life. With a broken…
BookLocker Has Sued Amazon in a Class Action Antitrust Lawsuit
Being involved in the wrap-up of my own lawsuit during the last couple of months, I haven’t kept up to date with how small publishers are dealing with the Amazon Ultimatum. The last I heard was that the American Society of Journalists and Authors, among other organizations, had joined the fight to prevent Amazon from…
Going Ubuntu: A New Article Series on Squidoo
It’s mostly sunny, the radio is playing, and I’m writing about Ubuntu, a human-friendly version of Linux, an alternative operating system to Windows. I have grown increasingly frustrated with Windows, and I’m not alone as I’ve seen people call it Windoze (because you have to wait so long for anything to get done as the…
Mini Book Expo Claim, Malaysian Health Journalist, and Housekeeping News
Awhile ago, I wrote about submitting Lifeliner to Mini Book Expo. I submitted it in the hopes of getting more exposure for my book, but not really thinking that as a self-published author I had much of a chance of having Lifeliner claimed. When I received an e-mail asking me if I’d ship a copy…
Freedom At Last! Meet My Other Online Self!
[Play in high quality if you can. It’s MUCH better.] Eight years, seven months, and three days after a couple of unthinking drivers smashed so hard into the back of the car in which I was a passenger that they pushed us into the car in front of us, causing me neck, shoulder, and closed…
Now Writing on Squidoo!
How does a writer make money in this modern world? The question becomes even more puzzling when you factor in a lack of stamina and fatiguing problems, like I have. Lifeliner is selling but not well enough to earn a steady income. Other traditional ways for a writer to earn a living include selling articles…