Well, I’m getting into the swing of writing these Sessions on the Book of Job (in the Old Testament of the Bible) and have now uploaded Session Three, which is on Job’s response to his friends’ speeches and to his suffering. As I mentioned earlier on this blog, I am writing a series of sessions…
Category: News
Anything new in my life and work or occasionally in the news that’s related to me, my books, or the people I wrote about in “Lifeliner” a biography.
Uploaded Second Session on Book of Job
As I mentioned earlier on this blog, I am writing a series of sessions on the Book of Job in the Bible, to guide people when they are reading it or studying it, as it is a long and complex piece of poetry. I’ve uploaded an introductory article and the first session already. Now I’ve…
Book of Job: Session One is Up on the Web
The Book of Job in the Old Testament of the Bible is one many people who’ve suffered hardship turn to. Yet this long book of poetry with its seemingly tedious middle part is not an easy read. While sufferers can identify with Job, and Bible readers can enjoy the beginning and the ending, the rest…
Area 224 Interview with Moi, Shireen Jeejeebhoy
Area 224, based in Chicago, are strategic communications advisors to emerging brands, and last week I spoke to Dave on Twitter when he was looking for people to interview for their blog. Apparently, a writer is a brand! And so I was on!! He asked me very different questions from the usual, and it was…
New SIGG Water Bottle on CafePress. New Water Design By Me.
It’s been awhile since I created a new design for my CafePress shop, but this week CafePress.com announced a partnership with SIGG to provide eco-friendly 1L water bottles that shop owners can create designs for. These reusable bottles are BPA-free, have a lifetime warranty, and are made with a single-piece of aluminum and lined with…
Another Salvo in the Copyright Wars, This Time Over Videos
Well, this is interesting. I had received an e-mail the other day from a Chris Hatcher, thanking me, along with a gazillion others listed in the “To:” line (did the guy never hear of Groups or Lists to maintain receiver privacy?!), for supporting eMotionBooks. Now the problem with an iffy memory is you don’t know…
The Copyright Wars Pop Up on Indigo
I haven’t heard yet what Indigo (chapters.indigo.ca) is going to do about its Terms of Service (TOS). I’ve been informed that the “legal team is working very hard to tackle the issue as soon as possible. They are discussing the Terms of Use at length with other legal experts to ensure your concerns are properly…
Copyright, Moral Rights, and The Facebook Face-Off
As a writer, you gotta navigate the copyright minefield when contracting with journals, newspapers, magazines, publishers. Before my injury, when I was trying to get my work published, I discovered some magazines were better than others in working with writers and not trying to take their copyright for free. And one magazine was really bad…
Changing, Updating, Adding Beauty to my CafePress Shop
OK, I’ve been a bit slow in clearing out my Christmas stock in my CafePress shop: Points North Studio. But if I’d been timely, I wouldn’t have had my Iris photo to use on greeting cards. My subconscious obviously knew I had to wait for the right photo to come! I now have a nice…