Do you remember life before the internet? I do remember life before the internet, but I was an early adopter, so that was a loooong time ago. I used my father’s University of Toronto email account to email an American friend until came on the scene. Then someone, I forget who, got in touch…
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
Broken A Bone, Broken A Brain
Have you ever broken a bone? Perhaps my broken bone foresighted my broken brain. Not the break itself but the response to it. A child. Springtime. Judo after school. Went up the belts rapidly. Orange belt. After school play with friends. Energetic. In dresses and tights. No thought of breaking anything in myself. But then,…
You Would Not Want My Morning Ritual
What are your morning rituals? What does the first hour of your day look like? Oh wow. Talk about a question getting into the heart of life with brain injury, one that didn’t receive neuron-healing treatments for years and then only experimentally at first then one at a time over decades. And one with very…
I Hate Brain Injury and An Indifferent Humanity
What do you wish you could do more every day? Read. Write. Cook. Bake. Activities of daily living, as the community care folk call it. Wishes I dare not voice anymore to a harsh universe. Being able to go where I want, when I want, without having to prepare my energy reserves, think about my…
What Is My Job?
Do you enjoy your job? This Jetpack app prompt presupposes you have a job. Most people do, whether they think of it as a career or a way just to eat. I guess that means most are healthy enough — emphasis on enough — to work, to have enough stamina to keep working and earning.…
The Repercussions of an Unchecked Pandemic
What happens when a virus that injures the brain runs amok? Fatalities hidden behind hospital doors and inside homes don’t faze politicians or reporters. The pandemic scurries along unchecked even as the World Health Organization decided today to continue the international emergency. While we’re all focused on politicians and complicit public health, I’m glaring at…
Watch to SmartWatch
I wore a watch since my 8th birthday until a few years after my brain injury when my skin and tolerance to skin irritation made me take it off. I figured I’d use TTC clocks (OK, hard to see after they upgraded to those screens), city clocks (where are they‽), or my Palm, later my…
2023 Arrives, Optimism Stays
These almost three years have witnessed increased death; a virus sprouting disability; people rallying to protect each other; then falling apart like pins and SARSCoV2 the bowling ball. On one side are the back-to-normal-yay folks. The ones unused to chronic illness — which this pandemic is on the population level — demanding this illness be…
Hey Docs! Innovate Long COVID Care!!
qEEG and neurostimulation have improved the lives of people with brain injury. It’s time to study it for the treatment of people living with long COVID. While clinics and docs “innovate” medicine for Long COVID by bringing back 1980s’ methods for blood pressure instability*, I’ve been looking and asking around about 21st medicine. We’ve progressed…