So. My 16th anniversary of the car crash that scattered my life into ashes is now. That crash didn’t only give me a brain injury, it also led to events that gave me PTSD. From my experience, PTSD is a monster that feeds on the worst of human thoughts and beliefs and lifts up a…
Category: Health
Writings on health and nutrition, the health care system, doctors and therapists, heck, anything to do with health.
HRV Training Post Brain Injury Achieves an 89
Holidays — getting away from my life and the people in it who attack, diss, require me to be normal, live in denial to my detriment, and drain me — are good for my heart rate. First, after I flew to England and now, after I chugged to Ottawa. For the first time on its…
Thirteenth Week of FP1-F3 Neurofeedback of Brain Injury
This week is my 13th session of brain biofeedback at FP1-F3, left frontal, not too far above the hairline and near a side part. Two weeks ago, not long after my 11th session, my prefrontal cortex woke up, looked around, and said: let’s get busy! At first, it was different but good. All of a…
Full Circle yet not the Same Reading Rehab
Sometimes it seems like nothing ever changes with my reading; when my neurodoc talks about my great progress, I go feh. You’re too hard on yourself, he says. Maybe. But when I began my reading rehab journey way back in 2000 (and failed or faltered several times on the way since), I began with taking…
Working Decision Making into Reading Rehab
I told my neurodoc I felt like my reading rehab had stagnated. Yeah, I still get headaches after reading a couple of long paragraphs out loud, using my finger to guide me. But if I take the time and remember to take three deep breaths between paragraphs, I can reduce or slow down the onset.…
Inadvertent Gamma Brainwave Enhancement at FP1-F3
I inadvertently trained gamma up during my brain biofeedback last week. I knew I had because I felt the pressure underneath the electrode at FP1-F3 and, after, my perception had significantly improved. I was much more aware of my surroundings. I did it again this week, probably because I had figured out how to decrease…
Post-Brain Injury Reading Rehab Moving to the iPhone
My reading recall has improved this past week. Is it a blip or for real? I had a couple of days of feeling nauseated and dizzy on and off. As usual, because it happens irregularly, it took me awhile to go: oh yeah, this happens when my brain is improving. What will it be? I’ll…
Politics Took Over
We’ve been having an anyone-but-Harper (Canada’s current Prime Minister) election — a very looonnnngggg election — and last month, I also attended the TTC’s annual Public Forum on accessibility. That added up to my politics blog getting all my writing love these days. My poor website must be feeling neglected. I want to summarize the…
The Top Need for Reading Rehab after Brain Injury: A Coach
From my reading rehab so far, I’ve learnt the number one need is a reading coach. Let me explain. Brain injury sounds so simple. Like with a broken leg, you get the diagnosis, you know what it’s all about, right? Um, no. Unlike with a broken leg, it takes years to learn the totality of…