From my reading rehab so far, I’ve learnt the number one need is a reading coach. Let me explain. Brain injury sounds so simple. Like with a broken leg, you get the diagnosis, you know what it’s all about, right? Um, no. Unlike with a broken leg, it takes years to learn the totality of…
Category: Brain Power
Musings on what makes for a powerful brain. This category also includes the sub-category Brain Health, which covers all things related to brain injury.
Reading Rehab for Brain Injury: Adding Out Loud Summarizing
It is never that easy, is it? Never as easy as: go for assessment, start treatment. Sigh. I was thinking: this week we begin the new brain biofeedback training for reading. But nope. Once the ADD Centre get full cap parameters — the EEG readings from 19 points on your head — they like to…
Everyone on the Same Reading Rehab Page: Finally!
This floating piece of metal is huge. It dwarfs the Redpath sugar plant, which is no tiny building but itself an edifice on the waterfront where people gather to work and play, enjoy life. As it is with that ship, so it is with reading. Reading is a huge cognitive process, a monolithic problem that’s…
A Crisis, A Call, A Camera
My health care team is not really a team: it’s three parts linked through me, the one with the injured brain, the healing brain, the brain that has suddenly sent them into crisis mode while freaking me out. I have tried for years to get the disparate parts of my team to talk together. I’ve…
Back to SMR Training at CZ to Continue Brain Injury Treatment
I am having a full cap reassessment later this summer. But in the meantime, I had a mini one at CZ and PZ a couple of weeks ago (that’s top centre of head and middle at back-top of head where I’ve been getting gamma enhancement biofeedback). This week, I began a new protocol based on…
Vampire Clinic Time
I’m not in the mood for writing. I finally trundled over to the vampire clinic, starving from over 14 hours of fasting (I kind of miscalculated the time To stop eating). This was a triumph. It took only six *cough* months and a few reminders from my neurodoc to get meself to the blood lab…
Injured Brain Broadens Its Visual Field: Gamma Training #FTW
Nothing much new has happened during gamma brain biofeedback for awhile. Hence no posts on it. Until today. Once you’ve been training an area for quite a few sessions, you’re not likely to see dramatic changes anymore in either brainwaves or outwardly in you. You will see previous changes stabilizing. But this week, during…
Reading and Brain Injury: Stepping Forward Again
Well, it looks like I’m getting back on track with my reading. I am now half reading on my own, half with my neurodoc. When I say with my neurodoc I mean he asks me to read two paragraphs to him so that I don’t have to initiate the reading or have the entire drive…
The Centreboard Life of Brain Injury
When we first came to Canada, my father’s colleague introduced us to the frightening delight of sailing in a tippy boat on a lake with capricious winds in Ontario. Pretty soon, my Dad had his own centreboard sailboat, one that was a little more stable than his colleague’s Albacore. Back then, only rich fat…