I’m entering the August/September fatigue-drums. Deadlier than the doldrums. Perhaps good timing that my health care professionals are all taking vacations. Sequentially, not simultaneously, of course! Tsk. But at least my schedule will be quieter. Bwahahaha! What am I thinking?! The universe always finds a way to cut into my quiet time. Anywho, not much…
Category: Brain Power
Musings on what makes for a powerful brain. This category also includes the sub-category Brain Health, which covers all things related to brain injury.
Week Four of Gamma Brainwaves and PZ Brain Training
Solar eclipses, futzing with photos on my computer for the first time in 2017 (Yikes! Been that long?!!!), styling the ebook of Concussion Is Brain Injury, makes a gal rather tired and brain biofeedback a struggle. My EMG was decent except during the HRV screen, the one that’s supposed to induce relaxation and prep me…
Week Three of New Brain Biofeedback Protocols
I arrived at my brain biofeedback appointment cold anger fusing into brittle ice over something I’d learnt about my treatment from another health care professional. It had taken a few hours to percolate into comprehension and explode sharp-eyed moral anger through my being. Looking at brain injury through the lens of the DSM, through the…
Week Two Enhance Gamma and Inhibit Beta to Heal Injury
Week two of new double protocol. First comes gamma then comes, uh, goes beta. I came in to week two with emotional stress, grief touched off by neurodoc. Because he’s got nothing better to do than sodden my fibres with emotional stress exhaustion. Anywho. The coming change of seasons will be affecting me soon too,…
New PZ Brain Biofeedback to Work on Injured Precuneus
OMG. The brightness, the clarity, the colours popping and sharp are almost as overwhelming as right after my eye surgery. We trained a new area this past week in brain biofeedback. I haven't yet blogged on my evoke and 19-point qEEG assessment. But the big finding was that once again my precuneus was off the…
Brain Injury Reassessment, Part One
I got my brain assessment results back. There are a lot of them! I'll talk about them in the order I did them until I peter out then finish another time. The first ones were the usual questionnaires. Can't stand them as I did a bazillion the same or like them for too many insurance…
A Stunning Heart Improvement
"Did you see that?" I exclaimed to my brain trainer after I'd finished my HRV screen. "Yes!" "It went up to 5.5!" "I know, and it was smoother." "Yeah, and I couldn't tell, but was it bigger?" "Yes, it was definitely bigger." "We should have video'd it." "I know. I was thinking where's the camera…
Returning to the Graphic Novel for Reading Rehab
It took about a month to recover after the insane CCAC-bureaucratic-rules-of-can-only-get-help-in-4-weeks-tough-shit-if-can't-keep-it-up mandate. Now that I'm feeling more my usual self, I'm sitting up and looking around at life outside of writing and am getting back to reading a graphic novel weekly as part of reading rehab. I set myself a ten-minute goal and multiple alarms…
Brain Storm — A Review
Brain Storm. Poetical. Physical. Brain injury brought into movement. So vivid that from the first scene, it triggers before capturing you into the story of a young woman, Kate, who suffered a stroke, underwent a life-saving operation, and is left with a brain injury. A simple set on the stark black stage greets us: chairs,…