Week Five PZ Brain Training and Concussion Is Brain Injury Update with a Side Order of Scrivener

I’m entering the August/September fatigue-drums. Deadlier than the doldrums. Perhaps good timing that my health care professionals are all taking vacations. Sequentially, not simultaneously, of course! Tsk. But at least my schedule will be quieter. Bwahahaha! What am I thinking?! The universe always finds a way to cut into my quiet time. Anywho, not much…

A Stunning Heart Improvement

"Did you see that?" I exclaimed to my brain trainer after I'd finished my HRV screen. "Yes!" "It went up to 5.5!" "I know, and it was smoother." "Yeah, and I couldn't tell, but was it bigger?" "Yes, it was definitely bigger." "We should have video'd it." "I know. I was thinking where's the camera…

Brain Storm — A Review

Brain Storm. Poetical. Physical. Brain injury brought into movement. So vivid that from the first scene, it triggers before capturing you into the story of a young woman, Kate, who suffered a stroke, underwent a life-saving operation, and is left with a brain injury. A simple set on the stark black stage greets us: chairs,…