First Mind Alive Gamma Session

With COVID-19 cancelling my brain biofeedback appointments at the ADD Centre plus having to miss the session just before lockdown because of exhaustion from participating in Brain Storm, I began to feel the absence of no gamma brainwave training. Fortunately, Mind Alive has added three gamma sessions to their DAVID Delight Pro and DAVID Delight…

My Covid-19 Begins

Brain injury is an isolating injury; the fatigue can build up to the point you have no choice but plant yourself on the couch for a couple of weeks. So I’ve had plenty of “self-isolations.” Welcome all! Like many of us with brain injury, most of you don’t actually have the plague but no one…

Reading after Brain Injury: Making the Decision to Try Restoring It Again

So after stressing and dithering and talking and talking with my health care team, I’ve taken the plunge and will soon restart my efforts to take back my reading from my brain injury.I wrote previously about a recent comprehensive reading assessment with Lindamood-Bell, a US company devoted to training/restoring reading and math to students and…

Another Step in Restoring Reading after Brain Injury: Reading Evaluation by Lindamood-Bell

As followers of this blog know, reading issues continue to plague me. A couple months ago, Dr. Lynda Thompson of the ADD Centre suggested I do a reading evaluation with Lindamood-Bell as she felt this would show me I don’t stack up too badly against the norms for my age group and gender. Lind-a-what?? Took…