Rage, anger, fury: these are the emotions people with brain injury are excoriated for. While I was in the middle of SMIRB last week, the next client walked in and actually TALKED TO ME! Like, was he blind?! Closed door. Electrode on head. Writing. Apparently, his need to know where the biofeedback trainer was trumped…
Category: Brain Biofeedback
My experiences with brain biofeedback or neurofeedback at the ADD Centre
A Change Up in Neurofeedback Protocol to Help My Reading Rehab
As I think I mentioned before, we began changing up my brain biofeedback protocol because of the emotional tides sweeping through me as PTSD takes its toll. Honestly, it’s bad enough I have to treat my brain injury to read again, now I have to overcome PTSD too. Humph. Since gamma brainwave enhancement reduces the…
HRV Training Post Brain Injury Achieves an 89
Holidays — getting away from my life and the people in it who attack, diss, require me to be normal, live in denial to my detriment, and drain me — are good for my heart rate. First, after I flew to England and now, after I chugged to Ottawa. For the first time on its…
Thirteenth Week of FP1-F3 Neurofeedback of Brain Injury
This week is my 13th session of brain biofeedback at FP1-F3, left frontal, not too far above the hairline and near a side part. Two weeks ago, not long after my 11th session, my prefrontal cortex woke up, looked around, and said: let’s get busy! At first, it was different but good. All of a…
Full Circle yet not the Same Reading Rehab
Sometimes it seems like nothing ever changes with my reading; when my neurodoc talks about my great progress, I go feh. You’re too hard on yourself, he says. Maybe. But when I began my reading rehab journey way back in 2000 (and failed or faltered several times on the way since), I began with taking…
Working Decision Making into Reading Rehab
I told my neurodoc I felt like my reading rehab had stagnated. Yeah, I still get headaches after reading a couple of long paragraphs out loud, using my finger to guide me. But if I take the time and remember to take three deep breaths between paragraphs, I can reduce or slow down the onset.…
Inadvertent Gamma Brainwave Enhancement at FP1-F3
I inadvertently trained gamma up during my brain biofeedback last week. I knew I had because I felt the pressure underneath the electrode at FP1-F3 and, after, my perception had significantly improved. I was much more aware of my surroundings. I did it again this week, probably because I had figured out how to decrease…
Post-Brain Injury Reading Rehab Moving to the iPhone
My reading recall has improved this past week. Is it a blip or for real? I had a couple of days of feeling nauseated and dizzy on and off. As usual, because it happens irregularly, it took me awhile to go: oh yeah, this happens when my brain is improving. What will it be? I’ll…
Politics Took Over
We’ve been having an anyone-but-Harper (Canada’s current Prime Minister) election — a very looonnnngggg election — and last month, I also attended the TTC’s annual Public Forum on accessibility. That added up to my politics blog getting all my writing love these days. My poor website must be feeling neglected. I want to summarize the…