Well, I’ll never do that again (though one should never say never, haha). I ain’t fundraising again. It rather reminded me of when I delivered the afternoon Toronto Star as a 13/14 year old. I wanted to earn enough money to buy new clothes for high school and to travel to England to visit relatives.…
Category: Lifeliner
Anything to do with my first book “Lifeliner” a biography.
I won Script Frenzy! The Lifeliner Screenplay is Done!
I won! Script Frenzy is over!! Well, at least for me. Officially, two more full days are left plus whatever is left of today. I find it hard to believe that I both finished my screenplay for Lifeliner and met the 100-page goal. When I began, I wondered if I’d be able to survive the…
Scriptwriting Adventures: Writing a Screenplay for Script Frenzy
I am 17 pages from reaching the Script Frenzy goal of 100 pages. I read in Lew Hunter’s Screenwriting 434 (a book I bought when writing Lifeliner) that the maximum a dramatic screenplay can be is 110 pages. So I have about 10 pages to swim with if I go overboard. I knew it was…
A Big Script Frenzy Thank You to my Sponsors
There’s nothing sweeter than an unexpected package in the mail other than an unexpected pledge after several dry days! As you may know, I’m writing an adaptation of Lifeliner during the month of April for Script Frenzy. It’s a challenge to write a 100-page screenplay in only 30 days, but to up the ante, I…
Walk-A-Thonners Do It, So can Script Frenzy Scriptwriters!
Only three days until April 1st, Script Frenzy start day! Oh. You thought I was going to say April Fools Day? Well, we Frenziers must be fools to sign up for this writing marathon! But I wasn’t content to just be a fool for writing. Oh no, I’m fundraising too. It all began when I…
Imagining “Lifeliner: The EBook” on the Apple iPad
Back in the late 1990s when I was envisioning the different ways of publishing Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story, I had an idea for an electronic version. Back in the computer middle ages, the only way I could’ve does this was on a CD, a bit clunky as a medium I had to admit. But…
Lifeliner Listed on Facebook Marketplace
Update. For those who came here from the Oley website: please go to my Lifeliner page for details on the book or my Order page to find out where you can purchase the book. Thank you for your interest! —————– I still have several brand-new copies of my debut book Lifeliner: The Judy Taylor Story…
Lifeliner in Short, a Video
Been awhile in the making, but at last Lifeliner in Short is live on YouTube. Not a book trailer and not the whole biography of Judy Taylor, but a nice, pleasing taste of her amazing story set to music from ccmixter.org, licensed through Creative Commons. I had fun playing with the pitch of my voice,…
An Electronic Slideshow of Judy Taylor, the heroine of Lifeliner
My new Canon CanoScan 8800F scanner has been working hard, scanning prints, negatives, and slides of Judy Taylor and the area she lived in. And I’ve at last finished scanning and fixing them. As you can imagine, some of these decades-old slides were faded, some were a bit blurred being photos of photos, and some…