Cognitive Empathy For Reading Loss After Brain Injury

Published Categorised as Writings, Treatment, Personal
Screenshot of Psychology Today article on Cognitive Emptahy for Reading Loss After Brain Injury
This entry is part 2 of 3 in the series Psychology Today - Reading and Brain Injury

Psychology Today - Reading and Brain Injury

Cognitive empathy lets you imagine a client’s experience, puts yourself in their shoes, and act accordingly. How you can use it to help restore reading post concussion.

Dr. Brian Goldman, a Toronto ER doctor and host of White Coat Black Art on CBC Radio, was on CBC Radio’s Ontario Today at noon, Friday, May 4, talking about his newest book on kindness. I had to listen. He defined cognitive empathy as the ability to imagine a patient’s experience, to put yourself in their shoes and act accordingly.

In my quest to receive help for restoring my reading, I’ve met psychologists and psychiatrists who’ve thought about it, who’ve listened, who’ve helped for a little while, and/or who’ve talked about how they don’t read novels anymore and would love to have the time to do that — as if I, as a writer, want to read only as a form of leisure, as if they, as professionals with value, don’t have the time so why should I worry about my reading?

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And as if restoring reading for pleasure is not something worth their time.

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