Fanship in Beta

Published Categorised as Books, Personal, Marketing, News

One summer day, I listened to a webinar on block chain, hosted by Access Copyright. I did something unusual: I put my name and email down to contact me about developments. Usually, I don’t because . . . fatigue. Sigh. A few months later, they asked me if I’d like to be part of a working group. Would I? Definitely! I was concerned about my fatigue, how would I get down to the offices, but being able to meet online and the requirements were monthly or at most weekly, seemed doable. And the chance to be on the ground floor of something exciting for readers and authors — real competition for Amazon — that would be based in Canada — yeah, definitely not passing that up!

Fast forward a year, and Fanship Beta lands on the web!

(Hover and click over the images below to check it out!)

Fanship Beta

A community of creators and fans
united by a love of reading

Featured Author, moi!

See what fans are recommending
and meet Fanship authors

At the moment, authors and publishers are uploading their ebooks to the site. I don’t think it’s open to readers yet, but I wanted to give my readers a sneak peek!

Fanship is based on using block chain to verify authors are who they say they are and to ensure the ebooks for sale were written by them. The idea is when fans buy ebooks from Fanship, they know the money goes to the people who wrote them.

Ramryge angels at Gloucester Cathedral, England

Brain injury grief is

extraordinary grief

research proves

needs healing.

Fanship was made for these pandemic times, when creators are helping people keep their mental health intact. But creation takes work. A lot of work. It’s an intellectually intense activity. It doesn’t just pop out fully formed from thought to page like in Star Trek: The Next Generation. I wish!

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Fanship is a great way to encourage writers to keep on writing. Just as staying home is how we’re helping essential workers do their jobs and stay free of COVID-19, buying verified ebooks, helps creators stay home and create more works to keep our minds distracted from the fear plaguing the spaces outside our front doors.