Orangeberry Book Tours for She and Concussion Is Brain Injury

Published Categorised as Events, Concussion is Brain Injury, Marketing, News, Books

As of Monday, I have two book tours running. Ack! One for my first novel She, and one for my latest book Concussion Is Brain Injury.

Loved the forest scene. Was dark and eerie. Felt like you were right there in the car with them.” (Melody Armstrong on Goodreads)

The one for She has been running a couple of weeks now, and so the book reviews are starting to come in. Some are done through book clubs, and they have a question and answer format. From what I can ascertain, the reader/reviewer of my book picks four questions from a list I assume their book club gives them, and they give brief answers. Then they attach a star rating to it. A few do, ahem, give away a few details. So if you like being kept fully in suspense, skip those. But if you’re the kind of reader who wants to know everything before you dive in, go over to my Goodreads page for She and check out the reviews!

At a glance, you think you are indulging in a fantasy read but as you go deeper into the story, you see the other side of the story which is how to make a come back after tragedy has struck. This is where the story becomes interesting.” (Vicky Smith on Amazon)

There are also a couple of new reviews on Amazon’s US site. They’re either straight reviews or in the book club question-and-answer format. It’s too bad Amazon doesn’t propagate reviews across all their sites — as a reader, I may want to buy from Amazon Canada but have to go to Amazon US first to read any reviews, skipping over the one-star reviews as they’re usually idiotic.

When did you first know you could be a writer? I didn’t consider writing a career for me until…” (From interview on Bits ‘n Bobs on Books)

Some of the reviews appear on individual blogs too. Bits ‘n Bobs on Books published a review (tiny spoiler alert: main character name reveal), author interview, and book feature this week. I also continue to have Book Features, the latest on The Reading Cat and Lonely Heart Reviews, and guest posts, the latest on How to Write by the Seat of your Pants on Lonely Heart Reviews.

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I want readers to know that concussion is a brain injury, a serious injury.” (From interview on Mommy Adventures with Ravina)

Meanwhile, my book tour of Concussion Is Brain Injury begins with a book feature on Peace from Pieces and an Author Interview on Mommy Adventures with Ravina (which is also holding a giveaway for a $50 Amazon gift card for the next 10 days).